The media and me

I use the radio mostly everyday due to it being my alarm clock for school, it is always in the background in my house as my mum uses it whilst she is working in the dining room. In my opinion the radio is slightly influential depending on how it is displayed, from the advertisements throughout it, to the news which is demonstrated on it, it may only be on the radio for a minute but that does not mean it does not have time to change your opinion even on the smallest of topics. The opinions of fans of certain radio stations can easily be manipulated because it is normally believed to be a reliable source of media for society yet at times society is still being twisted into believing everything the radio broadcasters say. An example of when the radio influenced society was in 1938 on Halloween when the broadcaster(Orson Welles) decided to read War of the Worlds in which ended up in an estimate of 1.7 million of the 6 million viewers believed that this novel where aliens attack the earth was true. Some of the listeners who thought it was reality ended up calling loved ones to say goodbye and others even ran into the streets armed with weapons to fight off the invading Martians of the radio play. This suggests that the radio has the capability to manipulate millions of people easily.

link to war of the worlds article-CLICK HERE

Newspapers are widely used in the older generation of our society however the younger generation in this era(the digital age) it is used quite rarely due to social media being all around us meaning all the information we need is in our pockets rather than on paper. The majority of my family do not read the newspaper, my Mum tends to use social media mainly Facebook same as my Dad. my Nan on the other hand reads the newspaper most of the time in which makes her opinion change to quite a high degree, her opinions on society are normally based on how the government has made this country corrupt because of how she believes that 'immigrants are being let in and taking all our jobs and destroying the economy'. However I believe that the government is corrupt but for other reasons, I don't agree that foreigners are taking our jobs, our houses and destroying out economy, they are the same as us who just speak another language and have an extra flaw in their personality, many of these people have no other choice but to move to another country. This article shows a number of immigrants that had no choice but to move to another country, in this case the UK - CLICK HERE.

The newspaper is full of few positives, for example it improves your reading ability, Makes You Aware of changing Govt Laws, Policies and also  Improves world Awareness, bur this doesn't all mean that the newspaper is perfect. There are way more cons than pros and they also have a larger impact on people. one of the issues it creates is that it intentionally twists your opinion to favour 1 of the two major political parties in the country. an example of when this happened was quite recently when The Sun published a corny photo shopped photo of Jeremy Corbyn in a bin and titled it "Don't chuck Britain in the Corbin" due to Corbyn allowing immigrants into our country and also going against Brexit. The use of these types of headings undermine the issues as it is showing that the government is manipulating the readers to believe in opinions of there own.


 The internet is the leading sources of media, according to we are social this year the world has past the 4 Billion mark of users of the internet, this is more than half of the worlds population. the Internet/social media is used by all generations, more youth than the elderly although they do still normally have some source of media around them. In War zones like Yemen and Afghanistan however, pedestrians do not have the capability to possess any source of social media due to it either being inaccessible as the country can not afford it or because they have to many fears around them like ISIS for them even imagining to have a source of internet.
In my family only my mothers parents do not use the internet as they believe the are at the point in life where there is just no point in it, when I ask her why she says " I've survived 70 odd years without using the internet, I am sure I can survive still" and if I ask her what if you need to research some information up she simply just says " you don't need the internet to research information all you need to do is go to a library and read a book on it". although my Grandma might believe this my other grandparents think differently and use it quite often to purchase objects and products or just browser through the latest topics like ' top 10 places to go abroad'... for the older generation the way they look at the internet is created through there characteristics and the acceptance for change. On the other hand the younger generation like my younger brother have a completely different outlook to social media. To him the Media is more of a daily subject which he acts as if he can not survive without. The majority of the time he is on his mobile device watching you tube videos on random stuff he comes across while scrolling through the home page.
Arguably, the internet has improved society highly as it has given a number of pros like an increase of job opportunities like google for instance, in 2017 google had 88,110 full-time workers that is a tremendous amount of employees for a single company.

The TV is one of the mediums I use daily through my life. As a teenager myself I believe that the TV has a massive influence on the public. Some of the TV shows what are broadcasted can have big impacts on a persons thoughts and opinions. The news is one of the shows which can influence you highly because of how the pubic think that as the news is the main source of information (which is broadcasted) on what's happening in the world it is all true. One of the reigning news broadcasters in America and the UK is Fox news. According to mintpressnews "analysis shows 60% of Fox News 'facts' are really lies". in this image Fox News is even proving that they are lying as in one section it is saying " U.S. HAS CONDUCTED AT LEAST 160 AIRSTRIKES AGAINST ISIS IN IRAQ" yet in another section on the same screen it is saying "NO MILATARY ACTION YET AGAINST ISIS DESPITE COALITION TO EIGHT TERRORISTS" also in all caps.
This is just one of the hundreds of false statistics Fox News has published into the media just like many others who have. this just shows how sly the News can be yet the public still falls for these false predicaments in which changes public views easily. 
The TV may have many cons like body shaming through shows like keeping up with the Kardashians where they make younger females think that to be glamorous they need plastic surgery but somewhat it does also have many pros for example there are a number of programmes that broadcast a high amount of educational documentaries like Sir David Attenborough, he is one of he most recognised broadcasters in the world with his interesting programmes about how the organisms that have and live with us.

 video games

I play on games for an average of an hour a day, I wouldn't say it is a massive part in my life but occasionally do like to zone out of the real world into a virtual reality where anything possible. Games can be viewed in many ways but it is normally just viewed as either a place to get away from all the issues in your life and the other is that games are figuratively like cancer to the world and should be banned as it is not doing any body any good especially for the younger generation. I, personally agree more that video games are a place to get away from your issues although it depends on what games it is. Games that include a vast amount of tactical thinking and a quick reaction time which help people use there brain more meaning that even though they are playing something like call of duty(cod) they are till improving there brain reflexes.
Video games however still have a downside. Reflecting back to how it takes you out of reality and puts you in a reality that is a complete impossibility to happen in the real world, this dilemma can cause serious issues for people of all ages as it can easily become highly addictive to the individual who is playing this leading to lack of energy, sleep and an increase in the chance of becoming seriously ill and overweight due to the additivity it creates. Researchers from the telegraph believe that to much gaming can start to develop changes to your brain especially shooting games effects "the hippocampus area of the brain, causing it to lose cells". 
When I was at the younger stage of being a teen my personality was completely different to how I am now mainly due to the games I was playing and the graphics scenes within them. In my opinion age is one of  the most important factors for the behaviour somebody expresses towards other people and individually by playing to many violent games. In the website hastac, a large quantity of information has been developed into a report on the affects video games has created for children under the age of 18. The report says that children are affected "in one of two ways. the first way embodies Stuart Hall's theory of communication and is detrimental to development and growth of a child. The second represents McLuhan’s theory and has transformative effects on children for the better". they also said "Adolescents who expose themselves to greater amounts of video game violence were more hostile, reported getting into arguments with teachers more frequently, were likely to be involved in physical fights, and preformed more poorly in school" if this statement is correct then the violence in video games can actually have the capacity to be more aggressive.

Music video's
Music video's are not as apparent in the economy as they used to be in this day and age, now when people want to listen to music the majority stream it on apps like Spotify and Deezer where you don't have to watch the video to listen to it like on you tube although just recently a new update was published on it allowing people to listen to music and other stuff without watching the video just like Spotify, so maybe in a few decades the use of music videos will not be needed at all.

Even though the videos are not viewed as much it doesn't entirely mean that they do not have a  powerful impact on people. Songs that have a political story behind it normally have an even more powerful video which expresses more information in another format. One of the most powerful videos that express political views is Black eyed peas, where is the love?, in the video people are placing a logo of a box with a question mark on it to suggest that the community is separated from each other. The song was based on the tragedy of 9/11, and the controversy it had caused around the world, Black Eyed peas has recently made another song called BIG LOVE, this song has only been published meaning that the video will not be out just yet but the lyrics relate to the same topic as where is the love? talking but is based more on how the government is corrupt now that Donald trump is in power. When exploring videos that spring up when talking about how the issues are expressed, rap comes to mind.
There are many forms of rap from drill to forms of poetry rap but ones what stand out most to me politicly are Childish Gambino This is America and Dave Question time. In This is America Childish Gambino cleverly constructs a  Music video which is berserk yet also memorable and interesting due to it exploring what America is like in the streets everyday like gang violence and school shootings. Dave did the same but instead of focusing the video more on how to express his thoughts he instead used words. In this lengthy rap/ statement he talks about how our
Prime minister is ignoring the issues in the UK and instead killing hundreds of people in Afghanistan and Israel which may or may not be a Terrorist organisation or not. In the video he uses a basic set out to show his thoughts like sitting at a table pretending to be a news broadcaster without actually showing that he is , He also displays videos and pictures in the background of discrimination and other issues on a number of TVs in he background to try and give the viewer more of an understanding on what he is trying to express.

Although these music videos of rappers have used to express important everyday issues there are many which use videos in a negative way by using it to show 'dominance' by showing drugs and guns in there videos while rapping about unethical stuff which does not make any sense whatso ever. This sort of music is named drill music that originated in the South Side of Chicago in the early is known for its dark, grim, violent, nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats. This genre of music influences many people into changing there lifestyle negatively making them act differently to people with their actions and also personality.

Advertisement is everywhere, It is on the internet, in Magazines, on the TV and also in the newspaper. There are many forms of advertisement which specify to different people and different ages from Babies to the elderly.

when I was younger adverts were something that influenced me quite a lot mainly adverts of toys as it made me want to have them due to it being really colourful and dramatic, drawing attention to my eyes however now, in my teens I don't get as influenced as I used to be but I do get manipulated into purchasing stuff at times. Some of the stuff which I get attracted to the most is clothes like All Saints T-shirts or NIKE shoes which come up as little add-ons on your PC. I wouldn't personally say adverts can influence me to change the way I act although it does have an impact on how I dress and present myself due to adverts saying stuff which drag you into buying it just because it is a designer brand.
In America, adverts are made into a massive subject called the superball half time show where a number of adverts are put in with high class celebrities to make the brands even better because if a celebrity is using them like beats where they got a load of A-list celebs to walk around with beats then the public believe that they must be good. The adverts on a superball is made to drag the consumers in by over exaggerating it. This is a video of just some of the examples on how they do it.

The film industry is a massive part in Media it connects with all other medias e.g. the internet shows trailers of films, newspapers criticise on whether it was good or bad the same as magazines, Radios do interviews with the actors involved in the movie and movies at times are based on best selling novels. Films have a positive impact on my life, it has taught me different aspects of life from the creative sides of life like animations and the good vs evil aspects like what is the difference between right and wrong. I believe that when you are younger films are to quite a large extent important because of how it can be displayed s a large role model. Child Films like Happy feet make children understand valuable life skills which could help them in life like how violence is not always the answer, the most important thing to do is communicate.
Movies can also have a negative influence on children under 18and older generations. Violent action pact films is an example of this. These films are made to make anything possible which can lead to people re enacting these exact scenes. In America, every week there is at least one school shooting happening causing devastation and fear. Arguably one of the main culprits of this is gun heavy films where the main character like for example Mission Impossible is invincible and no consequences come after killing many people like traumatic experiences. This fake reality in which these films are making make the public have this idea that taking somebodies life is okay even though it is not in any circumstance.

I rarely look in Magazines as I don't find them that relevant to me as they mainly contain gossip and tips which make you feel ashamed of what you look like. I believe that this source of Media is one of the most manipulative types due to how it constantly body shames people about whether they are to overweight or to skinny making there self esteem decrease rapidly and also create a high risk of depression due to the constant feeling of being judged by magazines just because you do not look like a vogue model who is on an extremely strict diet.


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