From Grub Street to Fleet Street: The Development of the Early English Newspaper

Place and metaphor
place- ran form four street to chissle street
now named Milton street in 1830s , outside the city wally steaming with poverty, dark alleys
Samuel Johnson said that Grubb street was much inhabited by writers of small histories (newspapers) such as Ditchen Rizz and temporary poems
atleast one civil war book was published in the street
1850's-1860's was the explosion of news books and other unlicensed publications
fugitive printers lived there with their moonshine presses from one garrote to the next
the term Grub Street was first recorded in its non-geographical sense in 1930 and became more prevalent during the civil war when both sides paid the authors of news books to fight a paper war on their behalf
it is a metaphor for the Hacked writer. The work Hack derived from Hackney originally meaning a horse for hire and later a prostitute for hire and then finally a writer for hire
received no public acclaim
in the eyes of the establishment, journalists were viewed as a semi criminal class
the pioneers of grub street laid the foundations of Fleet Street in the modern newspaper
printing introduced in 1476 by Caxton, the state regarded the printing press as a dangerous weapon and the printing of news was even more so and it would lead people to question the authority of the press
1538- all printed matter had to be approved by the privy council or its deputies before the publication
first recorded printed news which was seen as political propaganda was called hereafter ensure the truee encounter of or battle lately done between Glade and Scotland which was a contemporary account of  the Battle of Flodden in 1513
The Star Chamber of collapse of crown Authority and the breakdown of censorship on the outset of the
English Civil War marked the true beginnings of English Journalism and the first weekly news book of the newly freed press was started in November  1641 by Charles Samuel Peck
over the 1640's and fifties over 300 different titles came into existence some were short- lived one or two issues while others continued several years and they mixed eyewitnesses reports of skirmishes and battles with conjecture and propaganda both claiming victory for battles they had lost
 The reader was compelled to take sides
newspaper was originally a single bit of paper which was first recorded in 1670
from the space from 1763 to 1771 there were 3 key victories for the press 1-general warrants declared illegal 2- Jury decided whether a publication was liable and not
i an establishing hitherto 3- newspapers won the right to publish the proceedings of parliament


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