key words music video

Naturalistic mise-en-scene is a realistic style of mise-en-scène that appears natural and recognisable to viewers, as opposed to fantastical or theatrical. From naturalistic miss-en-scene two different traditions have emerged; historical mise-en-ecene and quotidian miss-en-scene. Historical recreates a recognisable scene which you can easily tell is set in the past and ensures that the key features which had happened in a specific attention and time in history calls attention. Quotidian mise-en-scene however constructs constructs ordinary and commonplace backdrops for the the characters and the action.

This is an example of a quotidian miss-en-scene due to the ordinary plane background behind the character of the music video- unfinished sympathy by the croup called Massive Attack

Linear Narrative is a narrative in a story that includes plot, characters, setting, climax and resolution. The purpose of this is to present stories in a logical manner by telling. what happens from one point in time to the next without using flashbacks of flash-forwards and then returning to the present

Narrative disruption also known as nonlinear narrative or disjointed narrative is a technique sometimes used in literature, film, hypertext websites and other narratives, where events are portrayed, for example, out of chronological order or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern

In the video 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive Attack , why would you describe the mise-en-scene as naturalistic? 

Why would you then describe the rise-en-scene in Fatboy Slims 'ya Mama' as less naturalistic?
Unfinished Sympathy would be described as naturalistic due to the sheer amount of recognisable objects and the backgrounds around her. The whole plot with in the music video continuously contains a woman (Share nelson) in a black dress walking down the street. The music video is made to look like an everyday with strange things repeatedly happening yet is made to look lie it is also an everyday thing due to how the actor does not look upon any of the scenarios happening. In Fatboy Slim's music video 'Ya Mama' however the wise-en-scene naturalistic, instead it is more out of the ordinary due to it being unexplainable with the madness it continuously creates through out. The viewers would not be able to recognise the mise-en-scene in the music video to a large extent due to the meager amount of quotidian mise-en-scene used in it from the metal shacks to the caveman type of English they use at the beginning and throughout.

In the video 'Ya Mama" by Fatboy Slim why would you describe the narrative as linear? why would you not describe the narrative in 'unfinished sympathy' by Massive attack as liner.


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