Mis en scene in my my music video


tri-pod, hot tub, take away dinner, watch, 


Mix of both light and dark lighting which will set the tone of each character. This will symbolise the environment and the life each person lives. The subject that has been based around as a person which lives with wealth and ease will be in a lighter and warmer tone to represent the easiness of his life. for the scenes which contain the poor subject however, the lighting will be dark and colder to represent how most days in this persons life is as difficult as the next.


the rich character will be in a selection of clothes that would represent a person living in a wealthy and sustainable lifestyle such as suits and designer clothes, with jewellery such as watches also. The costume the person playing the role of a poor person will be oppositely dressed and will be clothes that are only worn so he can go out, with no fancy accessories.  


colours variate according to the subject that is in it to make the mood of the music video change.

person that identifies as the wealthy character will be in more vibrant colours to signify that his life is warm and positive, where as the poor subject will be in a more cold and negative use of colours to set the tone that their life is hard.


multiple locations for both character's purposely chosen to fit each one's persona.

wealthy subject- my mother's house in a village, classed as a more wealthy environment

Poor subject- attached house in narrow sort of road- working class environment



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