album cover


Kendrick Lamar- Damn

Mid shot of the artist with him looking directly at the camera but with a slanted pose. there is three main colours in the cover that all correspond with each other; red, white, and black. The target audience is displayed through the lack of his name- this means that it is mainly targeted on people that already know who he is due to him already having a large follower count.

Eminem-Better man

Mid shot of the artist looking directly at the camera but standing at an angle. black and white colour theme for the foreground (The writing) and the mid ground of the cover. The black and white might be forsaking the album name (Better Man) as this colour way normally connotes with a classic theme or bold and powerful so in this case the artist could be representing the colours as a way of going back in time and making himself a better man. 

Both of these album covers are representation of ideas I want to use within my work. Lamar's-Damn album cover inspires me due to the use of colours and lighting where as Eminem's Album cover -Better Man inspires me due to the items of clothing and angle of his body, making himself look humble in a way. in my album cover I will attempt to combine these two elements into my own and create a cover in my own unique style.

In preparation for my music video and website for the artist I decided to experiment with possible album cover ideas. This one in particular I was fond of due to it giving a very socially aware theme to the cover. The hoodie that the child is wearing is all designer and new, however the shady facial expressions, the lighting, the black and white effect, and also the small cuts or bits of dirt on his face show a more controversial side to his clothes as maybe the child is using the designer hoodie to disguise the fact that he is hiding something such as the poverty that has stricken the child or that he has been neglected. The way he is putting his hood up over his head and the way he is only just looking away from the camera justifies this as it is as if he is hiding a secret about himself and his life.

This experiment has opened up the possibilities of where I can adventure with just the album cover. the colours for instance, if this exact image was in full colour it would not give the same affect its giving as black and white due to it looking more of a meaningless photoshoot rather than a photo that could be interpreted in many ways. The style, colour and the size of the font is a key importance as it has to correspond with the rest of the cover in order for it to work. 


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