
 Music video genre- Rap/ conscious rap

Context- racial and social inequality against black minorities in which, as a black Nigerian Male that grew up in South London can base his life around on.

Lyrics- And if he's white you give him a chance, he's ill and confused If he's black he's probably armed, you see him and shoot

Dave is representing the different portrayals of how one acts towards a black individually  in comparison to a white person. For a black person if he has done a killing or such he will be shot instantly even if he is surrendering, however for a white person that has done the same exact thing, they will e more lenient and cover the reason for his actions as being ill and confused rather than that shooting him. an example of this is the Las Vegas Massacre where a white man with many guns in his hotel room shot dead civilians without hesitation and then when he was detained he was not shot and instead said he was psychologically ill  just so they could avoid confrontation and also protect gun control. A black man however, they do the opposing reaction such as the shooting of Jacob Blake whom was shot 7 times in the back by a police officer in front of his three children whilst he was getting back in the car when he was getting arrested. The reason for this was apparently due to a knife being spotted in the car which connotes the lyrics " hes probably armed, you see him you shoot".

Camera work

The camerawork is mainly is mid shot to close up of the subject in the scenes, with small amounts of panning around the individual scene at the same time in order to make it seem like there is still movement in the scene even if the individual in the shot is not moving themselves. most camera angles in this music video are made of mid shots and low shots of the subject, the angle does not change in a single scene but instead changes when the scene changes.


The editing of the music video is a continuous take of quick cuts which don't tell a story as such, but does underline key lyrics in the song at the time of the music video such as the boy getting his hair cut whilst Dave is rapping saying 'Look, black ain't just a single fuckin' colour, man there's shades to it Her hair's straight and thick but mine's got waves in it'. however, rather than raising awareness of the problems he raps about in his song, he instead shines a positive out-take on how blacks are treated as he wants the people that think in a discriminate manner to see that being black is not what they believe it to be. 


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