music video production


Overall, the music video that I have developed and created has came out as i had planned to, from the mis-en-scene to the various shots and camera angles used. i have also been able to exploit the purpose of the music through the video which is to portray a narrative of two parallel lifestyles, one with wealth and easy life, and the other, living in poverty and struggling with their day-to-day life. Its not only the music video that exceeded my expectations, but it was also my album cover and how I portrayed my artist within it. 

even though overall I am happy about my overall production and project in general, there are a few things I could have improved on such as the use of more camera angles and quick editing to show more skill within my work. I could have also focused more upon how and when I had taken the shots for my music video due to the weather changing and also the lighting through various shots throughout the music video.


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