music video-treatment

 Music Video Treatment

Song/music: Environment by Advocate:

General concept: subject A (standing for wealth) and subject B (standing for poverty)both undertake the same tasks but they are according to each ones environment/lifestyle. A will be experience a life of relaxation and luxury with no struggle where as B will be shown through a more stressful, harder life living with only the basic stuff and no luxury items. The target audience for this music video will be based around the average ages of  18-22 due to this age range being the most cautious about such matters as rich v poor as they most in-between this age do not have a well payed job meaning they understand the gap between both classes. 

The song genre is based upon cautious rap as it speaking about a serious mood but in a quick paced rap. as the song is in a serious  manner, the mood/ style of the song will most likely be quick paced to match with the songs rhythm and lyrics. 


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